So I am down to my last ten days as a BYU- Idaho attendee. I cannot believe my time here is coming to an end. I look back at my first day of school here; it seems so long ago, but at the same time it has flown by in the blink of an eye. I have changed so much, and become such a better person. My testimony of Jesus Christ has grown, and my testimony of the Book of Mormon and increased immensely. I have made so many friends and memories. I also had hard times, times where I missed my family so much, times that I just wanted to give up and go home. Even those hard times have made me strong, and have helped build my character. There were so many times I wished to leave here and never look back, that would have been easy, but I stuck with it, and can honestly say that I will miss this place (well, kind of).
Today at has been a wonderful Sunday. In Relief Society we talked about the scriptures and the importance that they are in our lives. I felt the spirit so strong in that meeting, I know that the scriptures are true with all of my heart and that we can truly come to know our Father in Heaven through them. We can learn how to be people of God, and people that turn to the Savior and use the atonement in our lives. I know that the scriptures aren't just some fictional story. They are true and if we live by their teachings we can live with our Father in Heaven again someday.