
Valentines Day.. ehh....

So usually I am not a very big fan of valentines day. I never used to be this cynical about the holiday until I came to Rexburg. Here you see ridiculous gifts being given at every turn; girls holding all sorts of bouquets, huge red balloons with enough helium to float a small house, and everyone posting on facebook what there lover did for them.. BARF! Maybe I feel this way because I don't have a valentine, or a boyfriend, but I don' think so. Why should we be limited to show love for others just one day of the year.. Doesn't make much sense to me. Sure, get your girl something nice, but you better be treating her the same every other day of the year.
  Sorry Valentines Day rant is not over!!!
Yesterday was pretty good for me despite it being valentines day. Here is why..
A. One of my classes was cancelled, therefore I only had one class, which did not require me to do any homework for! Double Bonus right???
B. Yesterday I had lunch with my friend Kylee, she is hilarious, and I don't get to see her enough this semester. And I got a Caliente Salad from the Crossroads..best thing EVER!!
C. Yesterday was devotional, it wasn't my favorite one ever but it was still pretty good, and devotional is prime for my favorite extra curricular activity: people watching!
D. I went to the temple. When I was there I noticed I couldn't wipe that smile off my face, it is such a happy place and so beautiful.
E. I got some money from my mom in the mail.. Who could complain about that. 
F. I got my tax return!! Whoop best thing ever!!
G. I got this super cute skirt from Old Navy that I had my eye on for a while. When I first say it it was $35!! But yesterday it was on clearance for $12! I love a good sale 
H. Last but not least I have amazing roommates! This year I am super happy with the girls that I got with, they are awesome. We have a lot of fun, and our apartment is clean!! YAY!! 

Kickin' Butt and Taking Names!!!

     Today has been a great day! I got up and went to my 9 o'clock class, which was pretty good, usually I am bored out of my mind, and thinking about how I should still be in bed. After class I came home and got right to work on all  the homework I have to get done before I go home this weekend.. (So EXCITED!!!) I am taking two online classes and all the homework for the week is due every Friday by 5, so I had to get serious about it all today, because I have been a slacker lately. So I came home, got a couple of assignments done for some other classes, then I started on my stats homework. 
      Stats is a killer! We use a computer program called SPSS and it is easy once you remember how to figure everything out, but I cannot remember all the different steps, to therefore it is hard. I had got done 8 quizzes for that class and only have 3 left!! It is a great feeling. I also got all my homework done for my social problems class that is also due friday at 5pm. I am just feeling good, and I had to share with someone :)


Words of Wisdom!

I need to do each of these things, this week!! 

Don't Be Afraid to Fail!!

"It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not lived at all- in which you fail by default."
 -J.K. Rowling

Joseph Smith

     Today during relief society we talked about the prophet that restored the gospel of Jesus Christ to the earth. I love lessons about Joseph Smith. To me it shows that we can over come any obstacles that we have. As I was sitting there in the class I was thinking about all the hardships that Joseph and his wife, Emma, have gone through. Countless children dying in infancy and when they were young. Joseph being scorned all the time. Joseph also getting tarred and feathered, and being beat and tortured in prison and in the end being martyred. He and Emma suffered all these things because they knew the church was true. In the Doctrine and Covenants 121:7 it says; "My son, peace be unto they soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment." It would be so hard for me to have faith going through those trials and I would feel that they would never end. 
   As I was sitting there during relief society I thought of all the things that I have went through in this life and none of those hold a candle to the things the Emma and Joseph endured. I should have stronger faith, I should love the Lord even more than I do. I should never complain about the small trials that I have. I should be a brighter light to those around me. I should be better!! 
   Today was also our ward conference and our theme was being separate from the world and being an example. Our bishop also reminded us of a quote that we recently heard from L. Tom Perry in a devotional a few weeks ago. He said that any member of the church that is worthy of a recommend should stand out in a crowd. Do I stand out in the crowds? If I don't I should, and there are things that I need to work on to brighten my countenance. This is a time when we have to be different and set apart from those of this world. My life should reflect His will.



"When you are going through something hard and wonder were God is, remember the teacher is always quiet during a test."

February... ALREADY!

      What the world, it is February already! Time goes so stinking fast when I am up at school; next time I blink I am sure the semester will already be over. This semester is going great so far. I love all of my classes. After this semester I will only have one foundation class left! I am so excited I have been waiting for this moment for a while now, it is going to be great to finally get into my major classes. It will be a lot of work but so much more interesting and I will enjoy going to classes so much more. I have finally decided to go into sociology with a minor in child development. I think I will love what I do. I am taking a social problems class right now and I love it!! I like to learn about all the stuff that people go through and the effect it has on them. I ultimately want to become a school counselor, I think that would be so great. I just have to get through 2 and a half more years of school! ALMOST THERE HA!

      Things are going really good now :) the only thing missing is a MAN.. So if you guys no of anyone, hook a sister up! Haha I should have a lot of options here in Rexburg, but I have not found that one that has everything that I am looking for. Maybe I am being to picky, or not looking in the right places but no one has really caught my eye, or made me fall head over heals for them. I think a problem may be I watch way to many chick flicks. I have this perfect guy that I have in mind, but I cannot seem to find him, he probably doesn't even exist. That would just be my luck. But this week my goal is to be more open, doing something that scares me. I will report next week, we will see how it goes.

Watch this new Mormon Message! It is so good!! I want deep beauty. I am working on it:)