I love Pinterest SOOOOO much! I am addicted to that website. I think I am going to try out some of the stuff that I see on it. I will keep you posted on how that all goes.
General Conference :)
This past weekend was General Conference for our church. This is when we all get together and listen to our prophets, or church leaders. The conference takes place in Salt Lake City, Utah and is broadcasted throughout the world. I have been to the conference center to watch it once, all the other times I have watched it from my couch is I think is quite comfortable. The conference is a total of 8 hours long, 4 hours on Sunday and 4 on Saturday, and it run in two hour sessions, that is a lot of church in one weekend. But I love it and I love hearing what the leaders have to say, and know what I need to work on as a person.
Here is a Mormon Message. These are so, so good I love them!!!
The First Presidency: Our prophet Thomas S. Monson
Counselors: Henry B. Eyring and
Dieter F. Utchdorf
Dieter F. Utchdorf
Here is a Mormon Message. These are so, so good I love them!!!
FUN LIFE!!! :)
So much has been doing on lately that I can not remember it all so I will just post about the highlight recently. Last weekend MELISSA GIBBONS!! came to visit me in Rexburg. I was so much fun!!! I started off seeing her on thursday night for a couple of hours we met up and Jamba Juice and then just hung out for a while. On Friday she hung out with her sister Mindy. But I got to hang out with her all Saturday. It reminded me of old times when we would always hang out back in high school. I will be like that again this summer when we are both home at the same time.
On Saturday we ate lunch at our favorite place, which is of course Wendy's it is yummy. Then we went to see TANGLED!!!!!! It is the best movie ever I love it so so much. It just has such a cute story line and it has the best music. I could watch it a million times!.
After tangled we hung out at my apartment and we took this picture: Not the best of me but that is ok...
This day was also the Best Of show on campus. This is where the best preforms of all the talentish shows on campus perform at one event. It was so good, I really loved it. Blaire's boyfriend, Kioa, was it is. He is in a hip hop crew. They were so awesome and fun to watch. Me and Melissa then went and got some ice cream at dairy queen it was amazing, and yummy. I love Melissa and cannot wait to spend more time with her this summer!
On Saturday we ate lunch at our favorite place, which is of course Wendy's it is yummy. Then we went to see TANGLED!!!!!! It is the best movie ever I love it so so much. It just has such a cute story line and it has the best music. I could watch it a million times!.
After tangled we hung out at my apartment and we took this picture: Not the best of me but that is ok...
This day was also the Best Of show on campus. This is where the best preforms of all the talentish shows on campus perform at one event. It was so good, I really loved it. Blaire's boyfriend, Kioa, was it is. He is in a hip hop crew. They were so awesome and fun to watch. Me and Melissa then went and got some ice cream at dairy queen it was amazing, and yummy. I love Melissa and cannot wait to spend more time with her this summer!
I have only a few days left here in Rexburg, then I will be moving home for a while to earn some moo-la!!! Being the end of the semester there is always a ton of things to do and you always feel a bit overwhelmed. I will tell you about each of my classes and how they are going..
Home and Family Time Management: Well this class is pretty easy I must say. I just have to give two presentations before Friday. Not a big deal though one is only 2 minutes and the other like 30 sec. or something. For the 2 minute presentation I just have to talk about a research paper I already wrote, and the topic is on stress. How fitting for this point in the semester. I learned a lot from this class, but I will not be sad to see it in the rear view mirror, hip hip hooray!!
Science, Origins of the Universe, The Earth, and Human Life: I have honestly no idea what I was thinking when I signed up for this class. I have to take 3 science classes for generals and this is one of the options, so I chose it. Needless to say I will be more alert the next time I sign up for classes, and do a little research before registration. For this class I also have to give a presentation, it is on the vikings, it is a 10 min. group presentation and I cannot wait to get it over with, I think that my group goes tomorrow, thank goodness. This class has been a living nightmare, it is so unorganized and I can honestly say that I didn't learn a thing. Oh I almost forgot, I have to take a test by Tuesday, hopefully I do good on that.
Doctrine and Covenants Religion Class: Religion classes are my favorite, they are the least amount of work and I get the most out of them, who wouldn't want that right? I love my teacher he is pretty funny, sometimes I literally lol but no one else in my class does, I just want to slap them and say "hello that was a real joke it is okay to laugh!!!!" Sometimes people are so dense. For this class the final is a practicum. Basically you choose a part of your life that you need to improve on and you write about it. I chose praying. I need to be better at saying my prayers in the morning and not being to repetitive. So that is what I am working on.
Motivation and Management: I LOVE THIS CLASS!!!! It is basically the best class that I have ever taken, I have learned so much and it will help me out so much when I am a teacher. This is a class about how to manage your classroom as a future teacher. We learned about different theories and then we applied them to what we know and we made a discipline plan for out final. And I took pictures of it for you!! yay!!
It looks so nice, I'm so proud of it and I can honestly say that hard work pays off. I looks so professional. I took to our schools copy spot to have it printed on nice paper and they also put it together with a spiral binding. There is a clear protector cover on top and also a hard vinyl piece on the back to protect it. I hope I get an A that would make my semester!!! :)
English 201: The last class to write about is my english class. I took it online and I'm glad I did. You don't wast three hours of your week going to class and you can go at your own pace, for the most part. I am already done with this class. I finished on Friday when I submitted my final paper. It was a 13 page argument paper. I wrote about the negative effects of divorce on a family. I think I will score really good on it. I am anxious to see how I do.
Overall this semester has been a good one and have enjoyed my classes. I worked super hard and I know that the hard work will definitely pay off. I cannot wait to see my awesome grades!!!!!
Home and Family Time Management: Well this class is pretty easy I must say. I just have to give two presentations before Friday. Not a big deal though one is only 2 minutes and the other like 30 sec. or something. For the 2 minute presentation I just have to talk about a research paper I already wrote, and the topic is on stress. How fitting for this point in the semester. I learned a lot from this class, but I will not be sad to see it in the rear view mirror, hip hip hooray!!
Science, Origins of the Universe, The Earth, and Human Life: I have honestly no idea what I was thinking when I signed up for this class. I have to take 3 science classes for generals and this is one of the options, so I chose it. Needless to say I will be more alert the next time I sign up for classes, and do a little research before registration. For this class I also have to give a presentation, it is on the vikings, it is a 10 min. group presentation and I cannot wait to get it over with, I think that my group goes tomorrow, thank goodness. This class has been a living nightmare, it is so unorganized and I can honestly say that I didn't learn a thing. Oh I almost forgot, I have to take a test by Tuesday, hopefully I do good on that.
Doctrine and Covenants Religion Class: Religion classes are my favorite, they are the least amount of work and I get the most out of them, who wouldn't want that right? I love my teacher he is pretty funny, sometimes I literally lol but no one else in my class does, I just want to slap them and say "hello that was a real joke it is okay to laugh!!!!" Sometimes people are so dense. For this class the final is a practicum. Basically you choose a part of your life that you need to improve on and you write about it. I chose praying. I need to be better at saying my prayers in the morning and not being to repetitive. So that is what I am working on.
Motivation and Management: I LOVE THIS CLASS!!!! It is basically the best class that I have ever taken, I have learned so much and it will help me out so much when I am a teacher. This is a class about how to manage your classroom as a future teacher. We learned about different theories and then we applied them to what we know and we made a discipline plan for out final. And I took pictures of it for you!! yay!!
This is the cover sheet, I just chose a class that I might be teaching in the future since my major is Family and Consumer Science Education.
Table of Contents
Philosophy of Discipline page, this is where I talked about preventing bad behavior and the seating arrangement that I would like in my future classroom.
Professionalism: I wrote about the rules that I have for myself as a teacher.
Class Behavior: We want a class that there is a sense of community.
Rule, procedures and possible consequences. I decided that I want my students to help create some of the rules so the will be more likely to follow them.
Extreme Misbehavior procedure
Communicating my Plan. First day of school
Front and back page of the parents newsletter!
It looks so nice, I'm so proud of it and I can honestly say that hard work pays off. I looks so professional. I took to our schools copy spot to have it printed on nice paper and they also put it together with a spiral binding. There is a clear protector cover on top and also a hard vinyl piece on the back to protect it. I hope I get an A that would make my semester!!! :)
English 201: The last class to write about is my english class. I took it online and I'm glad I did. You don't wast three hours of your week going to class and you can go at your own pace, for the most part. I am already done with this class. I finished on Friday when I submitted my final paper. It was a 13 page argument paper. I wrote about the negative effects of divorce on a family. I think I will score really good on it. I am anxious to see how I do.
Overall this semester has been a good one and have enjoyed my classes. I worked super hard and I know that the hard work will definitely pay off. I cannot wait to see my awesome grades!!!!!
Well it has been a while since I blogged. I cannot believe that it is April this is craziness I tell you!! And you want to know what else is crazy, I am done with winter semester in 5 days!!! Time goes by so fast but I love it, It keeps you on your toes, and it makes for a different experience everyday. So lately I have been very busy, with school, my awesome social life, and church. I will make three different blogs posts about the subjects I hope you enjoy!
Day 12-How you found out about blogger and why you have one
Well I guess you can say that I found out about blogger through people I know. I would always read people's blogs from my community and I decided I wanted to have a blog. At first I wasn't sure because most of the people's blogs that I read have theme to them, like crafting, or most of them have kids. I am not into any of that so at first I was a little apprehensive about starting a blog. But I just decided to go for it, I would be a good way to keep an online journal and a good way to post pictures of things going on in my life.
I hope that one day I can turn this into a blog that has more of a theme. I am thinking somewhere along the lines of a cooking them. I love to cook and would love to share my successes and failures. But for now it is just me and my college life!
I hope that one day I can turn this into a blog that has more of a theme. I am thinking somewhere along the lines of a cooking them. I love to cook and would love to share my successes and failures. But for now it is just me and my college life!
Last weekend at BYU-Idaho we tried to break the world record for the biggest dodge ball game. We didn't make it sadly but it was a lot of fun!! There were two teams the blue team and the gray team. I chose to be on the gray team, and guess what?? WE WON!!! People were cheating all over the place but it was still a blast, and it was fun to get together with about 1200 other students. The record we had to beat was 2012. I hope that we try again some other time, maybe next year, who knows?
Check out this sweet video!
Day 11- Another picture of you an your friends
Me Blaire and Chelsea at the world record dodgeball game!
This is Chelsea Westmoreland, lets just say that she is awesome! I love her. I cannot wait until I get to go to California and visit her and her family. So if you want to donate to my Cali fund, just let me know!!
Drewsie and Me, I'm am his BFF he just doesn't know it yet!
P.S. He is going on his mission to Rio De Janeiro Brazil!!!
Kylee, Me, Blaire, and Chelsea. These girls are awesome, they are always making my laugh, they are pretty much great!
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I miss these girls like crazy!!!! |
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"Sometimes we seek approval so frantically that we become confused by the conflicting needs of those around us. Concentrating on pleasing Heavenly Father brings peace,
a respite fear and anxiety."
Day 10-Songs you listen to when you're bored, happy, sad, mad, hyped
Bored: I think when I am bored i like to listen to the script. They have such good music, I love them so much!
Happy: There is so many songs that I love to listen to when I am happy! I like Taylor Swift basically all of her music is good. Thompson square, I love their song "are you going to kiss me or not." I also love Jason Aldean's and Kelly Clarkson's "Don't You Wanna Stay" and how could i forget JB!!!! I HAVE JUSTIN BIEBER FEVER!!!
Sad: For some reason when I am sad I like to listen to Bruno Mars "Just the way you are". I also love to listen to anything by GLEE because their music makes me so happy when I am feeling down. Any country song is also good for when you aren't feeling so good.
Mad: I like to listen to Skillet, nickelback, or Three day's grace.
HYPED!!!! I like to listen to any type of music when I am hyped! I just love music!!!
Happy: There is so many songs that I love to listen to when I am happy! I like Taylor Swift basically all of her music is good. Thompson square, I love their song "are you going to kiss me or not." I also love Jason Aldean's and Kelly Clarkson's "Don't You Wanna Stay" and how could i forget JB!!!! I HAVE JUSTIN BIEBER FEVER!!!
Sad: For some reason when I am sad I like to listen to Bruno Mars "Just the way you are". I also love to listen to anything by GLEE because their music makes me so happy when I am feeling down. Any country song is also good for when you aren't feeling so good.
Mad: I like to listen to Skillet, nickelback, or Three day's grace.
HYPED!!!! I like to listen to any type of music when I am hyped! I just love music!!!
Day 9-Something you're proud of in the past few days
Well this is an invitation that I made for a little "tea party" that we are having for church. I am not very crafty at all, so I will say that I am very proud of it, and I think that it turned out pretty darn cute! To get the supplies I went to this crafty store in Rexburg called Porters. I could probably spend hours in there just looking at stuff. And then spend every dollar I ever earned on all their cute things.
Something else that I am very proud of that I will not take a picture of is I have been writing in my journal everyday for a week! I have never been a faithful journal writer, but I am in a class where we have to have an 11-week improvement plan, and one I chose to do a better job at writing in my journal. I really like to write in my journal because it helps me reflect on the days activities, and it also helps me "vent". I cannot wait to go back and read some of the stuff in a couple years. I really find it fun to go back and read things I wrote when I was younger. I feel like an idiot for some of the things that I wrote but that is okay with me, it just shows that I am growing, and changing into who I will become!
"Children are crying.
Soldiers are dying
Some people don't have a home
But I know there's sunshine behind that rain
I know there's good times behind that pain, hey
Can you tell me how I can make a change
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray"
Yes I love Justin Bieber, get over it!
Soldiers are dying
Some people don't have a home
But I know there's sunshine behind that rain
I know there's good times behind that pain, hey
Can you tell me how I can make a change
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray"
Yes I love Justin Bieber, get over it!
"We are always going to have something that can make us sorrowful so we just need to remember all of the good things in life and smile through our tears."
Day 8-Short term goals for this month and when you'll accomplish them
Well this is the last month of the semester. My goals are to get A's in four of my classes. And for my fifth class, I am aiming for a C. I know that sounds really lame of me but this my science class and as of right now I am really struggling in it, like big time!! It's not good, but I am doing very well in all my other classes. I also want to finish this 30 day challenge this month. I should be able to do it, but I don't know I seem to go in streaks. I do really good blogging for a few days, then I do bad, but I am going to try and finish this! Another goal I have is to work on becoming closer to my Heavenly Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ. This is something that I really need to put as the first priority in my life. I will let you know how these goals go. Hopefully I will be successful :)
Lately Cont'
Okay well since v-day I also had the chance to go back home to Washington for a few days. I had so much fun, I love home. I really think that WA is the best place on earth. I got to see my friends, hang out with my family, and I got to see my little sisters cheer lead, and play basketball.
I loved catching up with my friends they are so funny, and they just make my day, I love them.
This is deej, meli and I with our huge cookie pizza thing. We topped it with ice cream and hot fudge, needless to say that it was the most divine thing ever!! I pretty much loved it, uh huh I did!
So I swore I wouldn't put this picture on facebook. Well, good thing this isn't facebook. These are the best girls to ever graduate from CHS, we are pretty much amazing. What can I say??? We are what we are.
I loved catching up with my friends they are so funny, and they just make my day, I love them.
This is deej, meli and I with our huge cookie pizza thing. We topped it with ice cream and hot fudge, needless to say that it was the most divine thing ever!! I pretty much loved it, uh huh I did!
So I swore I wouldn't put this picture on facebook. Well, good thing this isn't facebook. These are the best girls to ever graduate from CHS, we are pretty much amazing. What can I say??? We are what we are.
Well i haven't been blogging very much because I have been so busy with everything. School all of the sudden got really tough and I have been spending the majority of my time in the library (not very exciting, I know). Even though I am busy with school I do still have a lot of fun.
We had valentines day a couple weeks ago that is always very exciting up here in Rexburg, people are getting engaged all over the place, and there is so many cute couples (oooh, ahhhh...barf). Well like many college girls I didn't have a date, and neither did my friends. So rather then sit in our apartments, crying on our beds, and thinking of our future prince charmings(see below picture) we all decided to get together!!It was super fun we all got together, ate pizza, ice cream, and popcorn and watched a movie, it was overall a good time, I'm so thankful for the girls up here they are awesome!
Pics from valentines day!!
We had valentines day a couple weeks ago that is always very exciting up here in Rexburg, people are getting engaged all over the place, and there is so many cute couples (oooh, ahhhh...barf). Well like many college girls I didn't have a date, and neither did my friends. So rather then sit in our apartments, crying on our beds, and thinking of our future prince charmings(see below picture) we all decided to get together!!It was super fun we all got together, ate pizza, ice cream, and popcorn and watched a movie, it was overall a good time, I'm so thankful for the girls up here they are awesome!
Pics from valentines day!!
Day 4- Someone who has had the biggest impact on you
This is my mom Nancy Schultz. She is the person that has had the biggest impact on my life. She has taught me so much. She has always been there for me and she has made me want to be a better person. She is such a great example of what a mom should be, and I hope that one day I can be the mom to my kids that she was to me. She is a hard worker and she is always busy. Our house growing up was always clean and she made it a place where we could feel the spirit. She loves the Savior, you can tell by the ways she lives her life. I hope someday that I can be like her. I love you mom!!
DAY 6, favorite super hero and why?
My favorite super hero isn't super man or wonder women, I was never in to that kind of thing, but my favorite super hero is Jesus Christ. He has done so much for me as an individual, he suffered so much! No one can ever come close to what he did for me, I think that he is a true life super hero. Through Him I find comfort and peace. He knows how I feel in every situation, and I can feel His eternal love surrounding me. To me He is a super hero, He gave His life for me.
A Picture of somewhere I've been..
This is just a pic of my and my sisters on the Oregon at seaside. I've haven't been many exotic places in my life, and that is okay with me. I liked this trip for many reasons, first it was in the summer when it is blasting hot, and it was nice to go somewhere cool for a vacation. I loved all the little shops that were in the town, it was interesting to see this. I also love cheese, so therefore we went to the tillamock cheese factory, and of course we had to get some ice cream! And that is where I met the love of my life in ice cream! That's right GERMAN CHOCOLATE CAKE ICE CREAM!!!!! Yes it is thebomb.com!!!! As you can see it really impacted my life, I always look for it in stores but they never have it, bummer. I also liked it because on this trip we went up to Seattle to watch the Mariners play, I love going to their games, pro sports are awesome to watch at the stadium, the atmosphere is awesome, and it is just fun to watch all the drunk people. So this my ridiculous post about the Oregon coast and the memories of ice cream.... Wow, I am a sad person.
DAY 4.. A Habit You Wish You Didn't Have.
Day 4....
There is so many habits a wish I didn't have but the number one is biting my finger nails. I absolutely hate is when other people do it. I think it is gross, and it doesn't look very good.
There is not much to write on this day, so I will tell you about what has been happening lately. We just had Christmas and new year's, that was a ton of fun. I got an iphone, and I absolutely love it!!!!! I have wanted one for a long time and I finally got one. I also came back to Rexburg yesterday, I'm liking this year better already, I'm rooming with my good friend Blaire Wells, she is so much fun.. LOVE HER. There is so many things that I want to do up here this year and I can't for it to get started. One of my goals is to get at least a 3.6 GPA I hope I can do it!
There is so many habits a wish I didn't have but the number one is biting my finger nails. I absolutely hate is when other people do it. I think it is gross, and it doesn't look very good.
There is not much to write on this day, so I will tell you about what has been happening lately. We just had Christmas and new year's, that was a ton of fun. I got an iphone, and I absolutely love it!!!!! I have wanted one for a long time and I finally got one. I also came back to Rexburg yesterday, I'm liking this year better already, I'm rooming with my good friend Blaire Wells, she is so much fun.. LOVE HER. There is so many things that I want to do up here this year and I can't for it to get started. One of my goals is to get at least a 3.6 GPA I hope I can do it!
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