Well, my time here in Rexburg, Idaho is coming to a close. Less then four weeks and I will be back in Washington! I can't wait. These last couple of weeks Rexburg has been getting better though, there will be some things that I will truly miss. My intramural volleyball season ended this past week. Our team never won a game, but I made a ton on new friends and there were times that I had a lot of fun.
My classes have been going great, they are hard but I am learning a lot of interesting things. One of my favorites is child development it is interesting to see how different circumstances have different results in how we turn out. I also am taking a class on Pakistan, lets just say after that class I realized how proud I am to be an American. I am currently and education major, but I might switch that. There is just way to many important decisions to make when you are a college student, but that is part of growing up!
This week I also figured out how cheap Winco is! It is awesome, a couple of friends and I went to Idaho Falls to grocery shopping, and everything was much cheaper there, it was way worth the trip. We also went to a hamburger place call Five Guys Burgers and Fries. Their hamburgers were amazing, one of the best I ever had. It was also fun just to drive and sing as loud as you can.
This weekend I am going home! YAY!! I can't wait, I love going home. I can't wait to see my family and friends. Everything is better at home. I don't have to clean up after 5 other adults, I am with the best people on earth and It is just better!
Well this blog was very random, I just wanted to update everyone and let them know what was going on in my life. Have a great week everyone!